panax ginseng meyer

KOREAN GINSENG (panax ginseng meyer) - HIPERnatural.COM
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panax ginseng meyer
The root of ginseng has been used continuously by using their property invigorate ing for over 4, 000 years in China. It was introduced in Europe from the eighteenth century, and has been the subject of numerous scientific studies by numerous Dinari their extraordinary virtues. Its scientific name, Panax, comes from the Greek roots pan (all) axos (cure) For the Chinese, ginseng is a true panacea, capable of cu ing a wide variety of ailments. Its effects aphrodisiacs have given great popularity in Western countries, where stress, and the use of snuff, alcohol and other drugs, are an assault with traditional sexual potency.

There are several types of ginseng, in addition to Korean: Chinese ginseng (Panax repens Max. Which is grown in China and Indochina, American ginseng (Panax quinguefolium L. which originates in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada, criándose wild beech and oak; the eleuterococo (Eleutherococcus senticosus Maxim. also called Russian or Siberian ginseng and that is grown for medicinal purposes, and has properties very similar to those of Korean ginseng.

Habitat: original mountain and cold of Korea, China and Japan, where it is grown widely.

Description: plant of the family of Araliaceae that reaches 20 to 50 cms. tall. The leaves are arranged in groups of five. The flowers are purple, and give rise to some small berry fruits. Its root is fleshy, gray or white in color, measuring 10 to 15 cm and weighs 200 grams on average.

Used parts: the root from the fifth year.

Properties and indications: the active ingredients of ginseng root is a very complex chemistry, so that until now has not been possible to synthesize them. They are called ginsenosides, and are chemically steroidal glycosides of saponins Triterpenes. They are mainly due its therapeutic actions, which are powered by the remaining components: minerals and trace elements, among which are sulfur, germanium, manganese, magnesium, calcium and zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B6, biotin and pantothenic acid; Phytosterols, enzymes, as well as other substances.

The effects of ginseng on the body are varied:

Toning: the ginsenosides increase the physical performance and resistance to fatigue. This is not due to an exciting effect, as with cocaine, coffee, tea or other drugs, but to an improvement in the metabolic processes. Ginseng accelerates the processes of the enzyme glucogénesis (production of glycogen in the liver from glucose) and the glucogenolisis (production of glucose from glycogen accumulated; lowers the concentration of lactic acid in muscle, causing the shoelaces Thanks to better utilization of glucose, increases production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) a substance of high energy capacity for cells, improving the use of oxygen by cells, increases protein synthesis (anabolic effect) stimulates hematopoiesis (production of blood) in bone marrow, especially after bleeding. All of these biochemical effects have been verified experimentally. So the ginseng tones without excite and without creating dependency, resulting in increased energy production in cells.

Nervous system: has anxiolytic and antidepressant effects (eliminates the anxiety) It promotes mental activity, increasing the capacity of concentration and memory.

Endocrine system: has an anti - action due to its quality of "adaptogens" as it increases the body's ability to adapt to the physical or mental. In studies with rats have shown that both stimulates the pituitary and adrenal glands.

Cardiovascular system: it has an effect vasorregulador, normalizes blood pressure.

Reproductive system: favors spermatogenesis (increases the production of sperm) stimulates the sexual glands (both male and female) increasing the production of hormones, increase the sexual capacity, improving the frequency and quality of erections in men, and promoting the excitement of the genitals in women. It is not an aphrodisiac in the strict sense of the word, because their action is not to excite sexual desire, but in improving the capacity and functioning of the genitals.

The indications for the use of ginseng are as follows:

Physical exhaustion: asthenia (weakness) easy fatigue, lack of vital energy, recovering from illness or operations.

Sports training: Ginseng is not on the list of banned substances to produce drugs.

Stress, psychosomatic diseases (gastritis, colitis, migraines, asthma, palpitation)

Mental exhaustion, depression, anxiety, insomnia. Very useful for students in time of examinations.

Aging early senility.

Hyper or low blood pressure.

Anemia: Especially useful for recovering the loss of blood after bleeding or donations.

Disorders of Sexuality: impotence, frigidity female hormone insufficiency, male or female sterility.

Use: ginseng is usually in the form of pharmaceutical preparations (extracts, capsules, Vials, etc. The usual dose is 0. 5 to 1. 5 grams of powdered root a day, in one or more shots. It should be borne in mind that the action of ginseng is slow but cumulative. The effects are beginning to notice from the 2nd or 3rd week of treatment. It is recommended to take it continuously for some time (maximum 2 months or S) and rest for 1 to 2 months before beginning another cycle of treatment.

Precautions: in excessive doses can cause nervousness. Should not associate it with coffee or tea, because it could cause nerve exciting tation, or with medications containing iron, as this interferes with my general chemically with the active ingredients of ginseng, declined nuyendo its effects.

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