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Eleuterococo; al. Eleutherococus Wurzel; English. Siberian ginseng, touch - me - not.

The root.

E. senticosus is a thorny shrub (2 - 3 m) spanking leaves long petiolated. The flowers are grouped in umbels pentámeras simple, spherical, or associated only 2 or 3, supported by a stem inserted at the base of the leaf. The fruit is a black berry with 5 bones.


It is very abundant in eastern Siberia, is also in Korea, China (Shanxi and Hubei) and Japan. Proliferates in the forests of hardwoods and cedars in the mountains and half in the plains. The roots of wild plants are harvested in late spring or in autumn.

Chemical composition.

Although the individual components of the drug have been called, mostly, "eleuterósidos" (0. 6 - 0. 9%) it is heterósidos Genina belong to groups whose very different phytochemicals:

• Phytosterols: A eleuterósido (identical to daucosterol) acidic phenols: eleuterósido B (= glucoside alcohol SINAPA)

• Lignano: eleuterósidos D and E (glycosides of siringarresinol)

• Coumarin: eleuterósido B1 (= isofraxósido)

• triterpenes: Ramna - arabinose oleanólico free acid (eleuterósidos I, K) or esterified by a trisaccharides (eleuterósidos L, M)

These compounds are very different from the ginsenosides. Have identified many other compounds in the roots of eleuterococo: coumarin, lignans, fenilpropánicos derivatives (caffeic acid free and esterified, alcohol coniferílico) beta - sitosterol, polysaccharides, 2. 5 to 3. 7%) simple sugars, vitamins, carotenes, pectin, waxes, fats, etc.

In 1986 the eleuteranos were purified, heterogeneous molecular weight polysaccharides from 3 x 103 and 7 x 104 and identified their constituents dare. The leaves contain numerous saponosides triterpenic: the civujianósidos.

Pharmacological data.

The drug is difficult to classify according to the standards of Western medicine: well, according to the authors Russians, it is a "adaptogens. " They respond to that term drugs that are harmless and do not develop a "specific", but that increase the body's resistance and normalize the pathological situations. Therefore, it is sensitive to pharmacological or biological tests, bearing in mind also that really do not know the principles allegedly assets.

But in tests conducted in experimental animals is the stimulant of the central nervous system eleuterococo (antihipnótico, rabbit) strengthens the resistance to fatigue (time swimming in the rat, by climbing a rope in the mouse. improves reaction to stress (mouse subjected to thermal variations, immobilized rats, damage to chemical caterpillars) exerts a protective effect radio (mouse) and anti - inflammatory.

Other authors, after a trial in the long term (3 months) conducted in mice, found no effects "anti" attributed to the drugor not observed in rat biochemical changes expected. The eleuteranos exert hypoglycemic effects in normal mice or when it causes a hyperglycemia with aloxano. In vitro tests show immunostimulants properties due to a polysaccharide fraction [72]

Observations on the Man.

The drug, known no doubt for the Siberian shamans and used by Chinese medicine, has been the subject of numerous studies in humans whose results remain questionable because they are difficult to verify ": what can we conclude from the" remarks "Made during a rally car, in corridors where there is the" tone "or athletes of high level or even better in the cosmonauts? Literature of the clinical data can highlight an improvement of the physical results, especially among athletes, after a strong muscular exercise [75] as well as people who perform work force.


The drug can be considered devoid of toxicity at the recommended doses in therapeutic: both the aqueous extract (3 g / kg, mouse, per os) and the infusion (25 ml / kg) manifested non - toxic. The LD50 of the extract to 33% ethanol is 23 ml / kg (toxicity due to ethanol? The drug is currently used in powder form criomolido, nebulized, hydroalcoholic extracts and teas. In healthy men, this "harmonizing" [67] recommended in various circumstances: as of influenza, anti - intellectual and physical fatigue, stress, disruption of senescence. This last statement is very controversial and disputed [74]

In Spain, authorizing the use of this plant in case of convalescence, stress, fatigue, asthenia, preparation of examination and testing sports.

The drug.

The roots of eleuterococo are fragmented and curved, often tortuous, rarely branched. The outer surface is greyish yellow, the cut is clean and displays a finely radiated midfield area, pale yellow, surrounded by a thin cortical zone, brown. The characterization of the main components of the drug is made by CCF an ether extract (Genina products and low polar) and a methanol extract redisuelto in butanol (heterósidos) This technique allows to distinguish the origin of the samples. The high - resolution liquid chromatography reversed phase can also appreciate some eleuterósidos.


N. R. FARNSWORTH, A. D. Kinghorn, D. D. SOEJARTO and D. P. WALLER.

Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) current status as an adaptogen. In: Economic and medicinal plant research, H. WAGNER, H. HIKINO et N. R. FARNSWORTH, eds. London, Academic Press, vol 1 p. 155 - 215, 1985.


Die DC - und HPLC - Analyze der Eleutherococcus Drugs.

Planta Med. 44, 193 - 198, 1982.

R. S. XU, S. C. FENG and Z. Y. FAN.

Studies on the polysaccharide of Acanthopanax senticosus.

Planta Med. 39, 278 - 279, 1980.

Ä. Ï. Ó Baranov.

Medical uses of ginseng and related plants in the Soviet Union; recent trends in the Soviet literature.

J. of Ethnopharmacology, 6, 339 - 353, 1982.

H. HIKINO, M. TAKAHASHI, K. Otaka and C. Konno.

Isolation and hypoglycemic activity of eleutherans A, B, C, D, E, F and G: glycans of Eleutherococcus senticosus roots.

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The drug that builds Russians.

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W. H. LEWIS, V. E. Zeng and R. G. LYNCH.

No adaptogen response of mice to ginseng and Eleutherococcus infusions.

J. of Ethnopharmacology, 8, 209 - 214, 1983.

B. MARTINEZy E. J. Stab.

The physiological effects of Aralia, Panax and Eleutherococcus on exercise Rats.

Japan J. Pharmacol. 35, 79 - 85, 1984.


Quelques nouvelles acquisitions dans le domaine scientifique et medical.

Act. Pharm. 245) 69 - 73, 1987.

J. L. Rouaud and D. MARZIN.

Preliminary Study of the toxicity of the Infus Eleuthérocoque of Siberia.

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Hypoglycemic effect and toxicity of Eleutherococcus senticosus following acute and chronic administration in mice.

Acta Pharmacol. Sin. 2, 281 - 285, 1981.

M. STIMPEL, A. Proksch, H. And M. WAGNER - L - LOH.


Macrophage activation and induction of macrophage cytotoxicity by.

polysaccharide fractions purified from the plant Echinacea purpurea.

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Eleuthérocoque experiment de l'au cours d'un cycle d'à dominant aerobic Training.

Kinesiology, 23) 97 - 103, 1984.

P. Delaveau. Eleuthérocoque.

Act. Pharm. 210) 49 - 50, 1984.

K. ASAN, T. TAKAHASHI, M. Miyashita, A. Matsuzaka, S. Muramatsu, M. Kuboyama, H. KUGO and J. IMAI.

Effect of Eleutherococcus senticosus extract on human physical working capacity.

Planta Med. 52, 175 - 177, 1986.

C - J Shao, R. KASAI, J - D XU and O. Tanaka.

Saponins from leaves of Acanthopanax senticosus Harms. Ciwujia: ciwujianosides structures of B, C1, C2, C3, C4, D1, D2, and E.

Chem. Pharm. Bull. 36, 601 - 608, 1988.

Diseases whose treatment is appropriate in this plant.

Fatigue - Asthenia.

Muscle cramps.


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