VIOLET () - HIPERnatural.COM
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English: Violet.

French: Violette.

From the family of violacé.

The flower is used to soften the cough and fluid secretions in the airways. Sudorific. The result is vomitiva.

Description: perennial herb, acaule, about 15 cm. tall. Simple leaves, whole, with long petioles, suborbiculares, with the margin crenate. Flowers axillary, long - Mushroom; 5 sepals, 5 petals, uneven, and fragrant violet. Capsular fruit, indehiscent.


Natural Mediterranean, China and Japan. Naturalized in Central Europe. Cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.


Barely grown at home.

Pharmacological action:

Without therapeutic effects verified.

Other properties attributed.

Flowers: respiratory ailments, headaches, fevers, topically, Flores: ulcers, fistulas and sores. Roots: bronchitis and emetic. Seeds: diuretic. Leaves: anti - inflammatory and emollient (skin and eyes) The whole plant is used to treat ulcers and stomach cancer.


Reported cases in which there have been nervous disorders, circulatory and even death by overdose of the content of the roots.

Other Uses.

In the industry of perfumery and cosmetics and ornamental; for obtaining a useful industrial dye.


Across the floor there is an essential oil with iron, benzyl alcohol, eugenol and monadienol.

Bibliographic references.

Agete, F. The violet. Rev. Agricult 19 (3) 34 - 39, 936.

Fuentes, V. et al. phenological studies on medicinal plants. Rev Cubana Farm 28 (3) 235 - 241, 1986.

Kresanek, J. Healing plants. New York. Dorset Press. 1989. P. 223. Liogier, H. A. Medicinal plants from Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. San Juan. Latin American editions, 1990. P. 566.

Madueño, M. B. Cultivation of medicinal plants. Madrid. Ed. Ministry of Agriculture, 1966, P. 494.

Messegué, M. M. My herbal health. Barcelona: Plaza y Janes, 1985, P. 223. Ocampo, R. A. Gardens for health. Carthage: Inst. Tec. of Costa Rica, 1986, P. 34.

Thomson, W. A. A. A Practical Guide illustrated medicinal plants. Barcelona. Ed. Blume, 1981. P. 220.

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