CASTOR () - HIPERnatural.COM
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Other Names:

Alcherva, Castor, Catapucia Mayor, Cherven, Croton, Higuera del Diablo, Higuereta, Higuerilla, Palma de Cristo, lice del Diablo, Querva, Tártago of Venezuela.

Ricinus is a Latin word which means tick, and refers to the shape of the seeds, hence the name of our plant. The name 'devil's fig tree "can refer to that aspect of their leaves, like those of the fig tree, or the reddish color of the stems, although it could also be due to the toxicity demonic that enclose the seeds.

Sprig of castor beans, with their palms and leaves its male and female flowers (in excess of the above) In the drawings in detail (down from right to left) a male inflorescence, a female flower and fruit covered with spikes, and (top) of the three oval seeds and oilseeds which are on the inside.

From the seeds of the castor oil is extracted from castor beans, a bitter laxative and worming, which a few decades ago was administered to millions of millions of European children with great displeasure of his party for its unpleasant taste.

It is a shrub capable of reaching 2 meters in height if the weather is conducive. Highly branched, both the trunk and branches and leaves of nerviaciones acquire a reddish coloration very striking. The flowers are of two types: male and female, but both on the same footing, the female at the top male and below them. The fruits (which are formed only from the female) are small capsules coated pins that, when mature, open and elastically projected three seeds containing oval and flattened. Catapucia is also called the devil and fig tree.

LOCATION: It is originated from North Africa, where he has been known for over 6, 000 years. In ancient Egypt and then used the seeds to extract oil, was not yet known when the olive oil. From there, I turn to be grown in other continents. Where is grows best in regions where drought seasons happen to rain.

ACTIVE: There is only one kind of ricin, but to have been grown for centuries barium, have appeared many varieties with different shapes and sizes of seeds, leaves or with larger or smaller sizes, but all have seeds The pharmacological properties identical seeds contain between 50 and 80% of oil, castor oil. The residue from the crushed seeds and ground has already been removed when the oil (which is called "cake") albumen contains a vegetable (a toxialbúmina) called ricin, a highly toxic poison that dilates blood vessels, but only just 2 milliseconds d milligram to kill a rabbit.

Medicinal properties: The castor oil is a laxative for excellence, but their work is very unpleasant.

COLLECTION: The ripe fruit should be harvested before they are expelled from the seeds inside. In tropical climates, where are the main crop, ripening lasts almost all year, so it is collected at any time. The seeds are separated from the covers and are subject to various industrial processes for extracting oil from castor beans.

Drug Action.

Ricinoleic acid acts irritating the mucosa of the small intestine which causes reflect a stimulation (exaggeration) of peristalsis, introducing a low - dose laxative and purgative to middle or high doses. When in contact with pancreatic lipase, ricinoleic acid is released from his constituents and smooth glycerides lipid membrane of the intestine, which results in an increase of peristalsis which has resulted in abundant evacuation of liquid stools without cramping pain, the absence of irritation of the intestinal mucosa.


Given the virulence of their action laxative, is no longer in use as a laxative.

Was used to treat constipation, for preoperative bowel cleansing or as an adjunct treatment in anthelmintics. It was also used to treat poisoning (see comment on the matter in the precautions section)


It can not be used for the treatment of poisoning by toxic fat - soluble, as the increase in the secretion of bile salts facilitate their absorption.

Side Effects.

Ricin, which is the main alkaloid of the castor bean, is a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis. Its intake can cause intense pain to intestinal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea coleriforme and in a next phase, convulsions, hyperthermia, liver cytolysis, hemolysis and renal failure secondary.

Caution / Poisoning.

Accidental poisonings often. The intake of 3 - 4 seeds chewed on a child in the adult or 10, can cause death.

Ricin is heat - labile, so it disappears during the process of preparing the castor oil.

When the oil is rancidity, is especially toxic and dangerous.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

See precautions.

Oil encapsulation: 2 to 10 grams / day, as a laxative; 15 to 40 grams / day, as a laxative.


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