Vitamin E

Information about vitamin

Vitamin E
The Vitamin and is a liposoluble vitamin whose main function is to be an antirust agent. It is stored in the fatty weave, reason why it is not eliminated easily of the body. The foods process lose these essential vitamin, reason why it is a basic component of a good nutrition.


Aid to avoid the oxidation produced by the free radicals, maintaining the integrity of the cellular membrane. It also protects against the destruction of the vitamin To, the selenium, the sulfurated amino acids and the vitamin C. Alivia the fatigue, prevents and dissolves the sanguineous clots and, along with the vitamin To, protects to the lungs of the contamination. It provides oxygen to the organism and it slows down the cellular aging, reason why the body maintains young person. Also it accelerates the healing of the burns, aid to prevent the spontaneous abortions and cramps in the legs. He is vital for the metabolism of the liver, the smooth and fluted muscular weave and of the myocardium; it protects of the deterioration to the suprarrenal gland and is essential in the colágenas and elastic fiber formation of the conjuntivo weave.

Daily dose.

Suckling baby:

6 Months: 3 mg.

1 Year: 4 mg.


1 to 6 Years: 5 mg.

6 to 10 Years: 7 mg.

Men: 8 mg.

Women: 8 mg.


One appears in those people with difficulties to absorb the fat or that take an excessive amount from fats and in the premature babies. It causes the destruction of red globules, muscular degeneration, some anemias and upheavals of the reproduction.


Even if 300% of the RDA interfered, this vitamin has a minimum index of toxicity, and it does not generate indirect effect in the people. Opposed the vitamin To and D that can be toxic in high doses.


Fruits and vegetables with vitamin content And 1 / 2 avocado Sweet potato Broccoli Plum Spinach Asparagus Apple Moors Banana Tomato Carrot.

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