
Disease information

Dysmenorrhea - HIPERnatural.COM
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Irregularity of the menstrual function and specially the difficult or painful menstruation.

The dismenorrea affects to a great number of women, constituting for some an important problem.

It receives the name of primary if ovulatorias of the secondary adolescent exists from the first rules and if it appears of delayed form.

Clinical signs.

The clinical examination must allow the explanation of the cause of the pelvic pain that accompanies the rule. One is a pain uterine origin that needs a complete study.

Generally, one is about functional dismenorreas, hormonal origin (hiperfoliculinia, hiperluteínia, essential dismenorrea by excess of secretion of prostaglandins)

The possible organic causes are due to discard, less common are:

Endometriosis, is present at ectópica of weave of the endometrium, intra or extrauterine. The diagnosis is made in the period of appearance of the pain.

• Estenosis of the neck of uterus, congenital or traumatic.

uterine Malformations.

chronic genital Infections.

Also speech of psychic causes, in certain cases of neurotic state, the patient can sobrestimar the pains that suffer although these have another origin (of bony ligaments or)


At the moment, we will leave of side the organic dismenorreas in which case the treatment must be centered in the treatment of the cause in itself.

In the functional forms, they are associated:

• Antálgicos (analgesic and antipyretics)

• Descanso of the ovaries by means of a estroprogestágeno.

• Sedative to lessen the psychic component.

• Tonic venous, in case of circulatory upheavals.

In "the essential" dismenorreas with excess of prostaglandins, antiprostaglandins are administered antiinflammatory with action.

1. Fitoterapia.

medicinal plants that can be used in the treatment of the dismenorrea.

Several plants can be used. By its natural estrogen content, we have Lúpulo and Salvia. As far as the existing venotónicas plants, already we have mentioned previously: Cypress, Rusco, Milenrama, Chestnut tree of Indians and red Grapevine.

Also some plants of sedative properties can be associated: hawthorn to albar, poppy, poppy of California, pasiflora and valeriana.

For the treatment of "the essential" dismenorreas, we propose plants of antálgica and antiinflammatory activity at level of prostaglandins: harpagofito and willow.

Plants adapted for this disease.





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