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Castilian: serpillo, Serpil, serpollo, grass moon.

English: wild thyme.

Antispasmodic, microbicide. Against whooping cough, nervous state, spasms of the throat and intestine.

François Rabelais, French writer of the century CVL, fan plants, in 1546 he wrote his book The third book, and wild thyme she referred to as "the plant that climbs along the ground. ".

It grows in the sunny hills and meadows of central Europe and Asia, where the thyme does not exist.

The extract of wild thyme included in the composition of drops and syrups against cough, colds and gastrointestinal disorders.

Is like a wild thyme thyme, for similar qualities and some higher, as their ability to attack the cough. It's cousin (almost brother) of thyme, and whether in antiquity is not spoken of it is simply because they are not met in Greece and in countries with which Greece had trade relations, namely the Mediterranean and some of the East. Wild thyme is developed in Central Europe, where, in contrast, no thyme. Both of plants in some areas and the Pyrenees of southern France.

FEATURES: It is a perennial plant, woody stem that grows horizontally and branches, relying on the floor. Produces Further ramifications that reach vertical take up to 50 cm in height, like the ends of the horizontal stems, which are kept up to the same height. There are many varieties of wild thyme with different characteristics, it would be difficult to give a description of each of them, but it is worth knowing what those differences. All have in common flowers in the form of a tube that is divided into two lips, with the top three divisions deep (unlike the thyme, in which the divisions are very pronounced.

The leaves are elongated and rounded even buy their flowers give off different colors and different flavors. In some parts is called wild thyme, wild thyme, serpollo, pastor sauce.

LOCATION: Lives in Central and Northern Europe, Ios and valleys in the mountains. It has been found up to 2, 500 m above sea level. Prefers corner arid soil, or rocky as the clear forests. It also grows on the bark of rugged mountains.

ACTIVE: flowers and leaves have an essential oil - rich cimol and pinene, aromatics (thymol and carvacrol characteristic d thyme, are also found, but in very low proportion) Tannins, resins and bitter substances are also characteristic of the wild thyme.

Medicinal properties: It has excellent qualities to alleviate the cough. It is also antiseptic, digestive tonic to help digestion and removes the worms from intestines. Moreover, in general, tones the body to act on the nerve centers and encourage blood circulation.

COLLECTING: We use the flowering tops, to be collected as soon as the buds open all summer. Dry in the shade are kept away from light and moisture.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: The application form is more usual in infusion: sumidades one or two per cup, three times a day, usually after meals. You can drink a cup at any time, even if not to cure any ill will as always invigorate the body against the cough can be prepared by mixing the infusion of linden flowers to equal loaves, adding a tablespoon of honey to sweeten. Will be taking a soup spoon every hour (daytime) It is also very tasty flavor that leaves the dishes when used in the meals.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Internal use:

Infusion: one tablespoon per cup of dessert. Infuse for 10 minutes. Three or four cups a day, before or after meals.

Essential oil (see precautions)

3 to 5 drops, three times a day, a cup of infusion or on a sugar cube.

Capsules (50 mg / caps. Three per day, after meals.

Suppositories (25 - 50 mg / sup. One to three a day.

Fluid extract (1: 1) 20 - 40 drops, one to three times a day.

Tincture (1: 10) 50 - 100 drops, three times a day.

Dust encapsulation: 1 - 2, 5 g / day, in doses of 300 to 500 mg.

External use:

Decoction: 50 g / l, boil 2 minutes, leave to infuse for 10. Apply in the form of towels, lotions, mouthwashes, gargarismos, vaginal irrigation, local or general bathrooms, hair friction, inhalations.

Essential oil: in the form of an ointment or liniment: as a lever in rheumatic disorders, or UNCTIONS pectorals to treat respiratory ailments.


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