Acute Bronchitis

Disease information

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Acute Bronchitis
Acute Bronchitis.

Inflammation of the airways from the trachea, affecting this, bronchi and bronchioles.

It affects both sexes without predilection age.


It can be cured in 1 week with treatment.

The cases complications are usually heal within 2 weeks with medication.


Bacterial lung infection (various types of pneumonia)

Chronic bronchitis due to repeated episodes of acute bronchitis.

Diagnosis and Treatment.


History and physical examination by a doctor.

Blood tests to detect infections and other crops mucus and blood to identify the causative agent.

Chest X - rays (only if there are complications)

General measures.

If you are a smoker, do not smoke during the illness.

The snuff slows healing and promotes complications.

Raise the humidity of air.

Take a shower with hot water frequently.

Have a vaporizer of fresh water beside the bed.


With mild discomfort, you can use:

Acetyl salicylic acid or paracetamol to reduce fever.

Non - prescription medicines against cough, only when it is not productive cough (without sputum)

Completely stop the cough can be dangerous; stagnate excess mucus and irritants in the bronchial ducts, which could cause pneumonia and a reduction in the exchange of oxygen into the lungs.

Your doctor may prescribe:

Antibiotics to fight infection by bacteria.

Expectorants to lighten the mucus and you can easily remove by coughing.

Cough medicines.


Save your bed until you get the fever.

Then come back to your normal activities gradually.


No special diet.

Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of fluid a day to create the mucous secretions and be able to eliminate the cough in comfort.

Tell your doctor if:

The following occurs during the illness:

High fever and chills.

Chest pain.

Thick sputum or blood.

Shortness of breath even at rest.



Infection caused by one of many respiratory viruses.

Most cases of acute bronchitis begins with a catarrhal virus in the nose and throat that extends to the airways.

Often there is a secondary bacterial infection.

You can also occur when you breathe air containing irritants such as chemical fumes (ammonia) acid fumes, dust or smoke.

Signs and symptoms.

Cough that, in principle, does not produce mucus. below it)

Something of fever (usually no more than 37. 5 degrees)

Slight pain in the chest or burning sensation of pressure in the sternum.

Wheeze (whistles) or respiratory discomfort (sometimes)

Risk Factors.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)


Weather cold and wet.

Poor diet.

Recent illness that has reduced the resistance.


Avoid contact with people who have acute bronchitis.

Avoid exposure to HMOs or irritating or toxic fumes.

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