Disease information

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In many occasions it puts in risk the life of the people, mainly in greater children and people.

This disease appears most frequently at winter times and can be caused by bacteria, virus, fungi or parasites, being the most frequent caused ones by bacteria like neumococo.

Pulmonía viral must to the virus of the influenza frequently, whereas the caused one by the fungi is contracted to inhale dust or air that transports esporas of coccidiodes, histoplasma, cryptococcus, aspergillus and other mocroorganismos.

Some rare cases of pulmonía by aspiration exist, which happens after a surgery when some liquids or acids go away towards the lungs.

Neumonía is commonest in the men and more frequent in greater people and have greater risk of developing it, the people with immunological problems like the AIDS patients.

There are two types of this disease:

neumonía typical, that is characterized to begin abruptly although some times it is originated after a resfriado influenza or and begins with intense chills, fever high and dry cough that become humid or productive, with elimination of flema.

neumonía atypical, begins with headaches, fatigue, general malaise, dry and persistent cough or with expectoración. Also it can present / display fever without chills and pain in the thorax that increases when toser. Muscular nauseas, vomits, pains are frequent also and you will articulate and has a great relation with hospitable contagios.

IMPORTANT the content of this note is informative and it does not replace the medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge on its use.

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