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Used Part.

Rhizome of the species Rheum officinale Baillon, R. palmatum L and some hybrids of both.

Active Principles.

Anthraquinone Derivatives (2, 5 - 12%) *: heterósidos Anthraquinone of agliconas: crisofanol, emodina, aloe - emodina, queen and fisción; homodiantronas, heterodiantronas: reidinas, sennoside C, palmidinas A, B, C. Gálicos tannins. Abundant calcium oxalate.

* RFE: the drug must contain at least 2. 2% of anthracene derivatives, expressed as queen.

Drug Action.

A low dose (0. 05 to 1 g / day) dominated the action astringent, tonic and digestive tannins; in higher doses, is purgative and laxative - colagogo.


Occasional constipation, bowel cleansing prior to radiologic or surgical intervention, biliary dyskinesia.


For derivatives Anthraquinone: Pregnancy, lactation, menstruation, cystitis, hemorrhoids, acute abdomen, ileus, gastroduodenal ulcer, renal or cardiac insufficiency, cardiac treatment (see precautions)

By the abundance of oxalates: oxalic stones.

Side Effects.

Its prolonged use, the greater susceptibility to the drug for some people, or use at high doses, can cause gastrointestinal spasms, pain and cramping can lead to the formation of rectocolitis and pseudomelanosis colic, in addition to a loss of electrolytes, particularly potassium (which could involve a strengthening of the indirect effect of cardiac)

Caution / Poisoning.

Plant composition varies greatly both in quantity (2 - 12% of derivatives Anthraquinone) and qualitatively (agliconas and glucosides) Therefore, especially when they are to prescribe extracts, we recommend asking for full information on its chemical composition or its valuation anthraquinone totals.

Use only by prescription.

Make its prescription for the treatment of constipation usual: in prolonged treatments, due to the phenomena of tolerance there is a greater probability of occurrence of side effects. Initially advised to check the individual reactivity to the drug prescribing low doses.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

see side effects, precautions)


As a laxative: 2%, take one cup before bedtime. If necessary you can repeat the dose the next day fasting.

As a laxative: 4%. boil 3 minutes. Take a cup before bedtime. If necessary you can repeat the dose.

Macerate: 10 g / l, macerate for 8 to 12 hours. One or two cups a day.

Fluid extract (1: 1) destanizado:

As eupéptico: 2 - 8 drops, half an hour before meals.

As a laxative: 10 - 25 drops, before bedtime. If necessary you can repeat the dose the next day fasting.

As a laxative: 50 - 200 drops per dose.


As an astringent, tonic and digestive: 50 to 200 mg / dose.

Laxative: 200 - 500 mg / dose.

Purgative: 1 - 4 g / dose.

Dry aqueous extract (4: 1)

As an astringent, tonic and digestive: 10 to 50 mg / dose.

Laxative: 50 - 100 mg / dose.

Purgative: 250 - 1. 000 mg / dose.


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Real Spanish Pharmacopoeia. Madrid: Ministry of Health and Consumption, 1997, pp. 1549 - 50.

Samuelsson, G. Drugs of Natural Origin. A Textbook of Pharmacognosy. Stockholm: Swedish Pharmaceutical Press, 1992, pp. 83; 119.

Simon, R. Guide for Pharmaceutical and Medical Pharmacology. Madrid: A Madrid Vicente, 1993, p. 21, 141 - 2.

Trease, GE, Evans, WCh. Pharmacognosy. Mexico City: Inter - MacGraw - Hill, 1991, p. 436.

Van Hellemont, J. Compendium of Phytothérapie. Bruxelles: Association Pharmaceutique Belge, 1986, pp. 340 - 2.

WICHTL, M. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceutical. A Handbook for Practice on a scientific basis. Stuttgart: Medpharm Scientific Publishers, 1994, pp. 415 - 8.

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