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Used Part.

Chapters flower.

Active Principles.

Flavonoid derivatives quercetol and isorramnetol; carotenoids, saponosides.

Drug Action.

It is used popularly as emenagogo, peripheral vasodilator, and hypotensive vulnerary (scar) hence its popular name of "grass of the pruner. ".


Amenorrhea, adjunct in the treatment of disorders of the female menopause, hypertension. In external use: wounds, eczema, scalds, bruises, frostbites, hemorrhoids.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Internal use:

Infusion: 1 tablespoon per cup dessert, infuse 10 minutes. Two or three cups a day.

External use:

Juice of fresh plant, applied on the wounds.

Oleate wonderfully wild.


Bézanger - Beauquesne, L; Pinkas, M; Torck, M; Trotin, F. Medicinal plants of temperate Regions. Paris: Maloine, 1980, p. 386.

Le Floc'h, E. Etude Ethnobotanique une contribution to the Flore Tunisienne. Imprimerie officielle de la République Tunisienne, 1983, p. 260.

Paris, RR; Moyse, M. Summary of Matter Médicale. Take III. Paris: Masson, 1971, p. 453.

Peris, JB; Stübing, G; Figuerola, R. Guide to Medicinal Plants of Valencia. Valencia: Las Provincias, 1996, p. 95.

Rivera, D; Obon, C. The Guide INCAFE of useful and Poisonous Plants of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearics. Madrid: INCAFE, 1991, pp. 984 - 7.

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