
abedul  betula alba

Bieze (abedul  betula alba) - HIPERnatural.COM
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abedul  betula alba
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There are many applications of this elegant tree. Its wood, and especially its coal, are excellent. His bark is waterproof, and with it the shepherds of old manufacturing glasses, leggings and up to the snow.

Habitat: occurs in the mountains of northern Spain and Europe, and Canada, where it forms extensive forests, as well as other cold and mountainous areas of the American continent.

Description: Deciduous tree of slim, of the family of Betuláceas. Stresses in the woods by the whiteness of its bark, which can be seen in thin sheets. Its young branches are hanging, hence the name of Betula pendula, and small nodules or warts, where it comes from another of its scientific name: Betula verrucosa. It offers male and female flowers on the same tree.

Used parts: leaves, buds, the sap and the bark.

Properties and indications. The leaves and buds of birch contain mainly flavonoids (miricitrina and hyper) which gives it a significant diuretic effect (removal of liquids) and also bitter principles, tannins Catechists and essential oil. These are their applications:

Edema: help to eliminate fluid retained in the body, especially in cases of renal or cardiac arrest. Unlike other chemical diuretics, herbal teas from leaves of birch not cause the loss of large quantities of mineral salts in the urine or irritate the tissues of the kidney. On the contrary, they are able to regenerate and desinflamar, driving down the removal of albumin in the urine in cases of nephrosis and renal insufficiency.

It was also used successfully in the premenstrual syndrome. Taking this tea during the days preceding the rule increases the volume of urine and decreases the swelling of the tissues, especially in the legs, belly and breasts.

Kidney stones: infusions of leaves and buds of birch facilitate the removal of Arenillas of urine and prevent the formation of kidney stones. It would appear that in some cases, may even dissolve them. The use of the infusion is indicated during the attack of renal colic (kidney) and continuously to prevent the formation of stones.

Purification: the leaves and buds of birch depurative have an effect on toxic substances that recharged the blood, such as uric acid. Hence the herbal teas made with them are highly beneficial in cases of gout or arthritism.

Disorders of the skin on his depurative effect, its use is indicated by internal to clean the skin of impurities in cases of chronic eczema and cellulite.

Sores and wounds in external application, using towels, leaves and buds have antiseptic and healing action on sores and wounds, because the tannins they contain.

The bark of birch, willow and as of the Quino has febrífugo properties. Decoction is taken to reduce fever. By early spring, before they leave the leaves, sawing a branch or by clicking the trunk, birch can provide several liters each day of delicious sap. This sap has the same properties as we have described for the leaves, but also a nice drink. The village of northern Europe took to enjoy a skin as clean and white as the bark of the tree.

Use: internally, in infusion of 20 to 50 grams. of leaves and / or buds per liter of water. It can take up to one liter daily. As it is a little bitter, it is sweetened with honey or brown sugar. The addition of 1 gram of sodium bicarbonate increases the effectiveness of tea birch, as its active ingredients are dissolved best in alkaline medium. Also in decoction of the bark, from 50 to 80 grams per liter of water, then boil until reduced by half and take 2 or 3 cups daily sweetened with honey. The sap is ingested diluted in water (50%) as a refreshing drink. Ensure that ferment. For external use in towels on the skin that are made with the same infusion has been described for internal use.

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