Disease information

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Vulgar warts (CUTANEAS)

Benign tumors in epidermis caused by a virus.

The warts are not cancerous.

They are infected of person to person and one to another zone of the body of a same person.

It mainly affects fingers, hands and arms.

The warts are very common.

90% of the adults have antibodies of the virus, which is test of at least one infection by warts.

They are more common in young children and adults, between 1 and 30 years, although they can appear to any age.

To call to the doctor if.

They appear symptoms of infection in the zone dealt with criocirugía or electrocauterización.

It has fever after the treatment.

The warts do not disappear absolutely after the treatment.


They can extend to other parts of the body.

Secondary infection of a wart.


Most of warts they disappear spontaneously after 1 month.

The rest disappears in most of the children, with no need of treatment, in 2 or 3 years.


One does not touch warts, to avoid to autocontagiar itself elsewhere.

Diagnosis and treatment.


File and physical examination by a doctor.


Taken care of homemade after the diagnosis and the treatment.

The use adapted of caustic, as the Podofilino or the Nitrate of Silver can destroy warts.

Follow the instructions exactly, since they are caustic products.

Other treatments are:

Crioterapia (to congeal the cells to destroy them)

This procedure becomes in the consultation of the doctor.

It does not need anesthesia nor it causes hemorrhage.

The freezing escuece or hurts slightly while it is applied, and the pain can increase something after the defrost.

They are needed 3 to 5 weekly treatments generally to destroy the wart.

Electrocirugía (heat use to destroy the cells)

This treatment usually completes in a single visit the doctor, but the treatment is slower and the secondary bacterial infections and the scars are more common.

General measures.

If it has received electrocirugía, it maintains the zone dealt with water and soap clean.

If it wishes it, póngase a protective bandage.

If it has received crioterapia, a blister (sometimes with blood) in the treated zone will form.

The scab will be given off by itself after 10 to 15 days.

It does not have to be left scar, or as soon as a sign.

Lávese and uses maquillaje as usual.

If some article irritates the blister, tápela with sticky bandage.

If the blister is broken, the liquid could activate the virus and extend it to other zones.


His doctor him can prescribe chemical agents like smooth salicílico acid, or the others mentioned to destroy warts.

In such case, to apply to the day during 4 to 6 weeks twice.


Without restrictions.


There is no diet in special.

Factors of risk.



Invasion of epidermis by papilomavirus human.

The propitious virus that some cells grow more quickly of the normal thing.

Signs and symptoms.


A small protuberance in the skin with the following characteristics:

The warts begin being very small (1 to 3 mm) and later grow.

The warts have a rough surface with edges defined clearly.

Usually they are of the same color that the skin although also can be darker.

Usually they concentrate around a "wart mother", more antigüa and older.

If an incision in the surface becomes of the wart, it will see that it contains small black spots or bloody points.

The warts are not painful nor itch.

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