citrus aurantium

ORANGE BLOSSOM (citrus aurantium) - HIPERnatural.COM
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citrus aurantium
The petals are used and, at times, leaves and bark. The flowers and leaves contain a substance composed of carbides terpénicos and alcohols antispasmodic action. central nervous system sedative and hypnotic. Also anti - infectious, cardiac tonic and colerética. The leaves and fruits contain vitamin P action, increased the tone of the venous walls, controlling the permeability and increased capillary resistance. The principles contained bitter give you a tonic, aperitive, carminativa and expectorant.

It is used in case of insomnia, nervous excitement, anxiety, stress, digestive spasms, anorexia, dyspepsia of nervous origin, nervous cough, varicose veins, capillary fragility and edema.

It is used in infusion, one teaspoon per cup, three a day. It also takes into cold maceration of 20 grams of flowers per liter of water, three cups a day taken in sips.

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