Keratosis Sebaceous

Disease information

Keratosis Sebaceous - HIPERnatural.COM
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Keratosis Sebaceous
Sebacea Queratosis.

Noncontagious nor inflammatory escamosa affection cutaneous.

In chest; back; face and arms.

When it is arrived at the 60 years, everybody almost has some sebaceous queratosis.


The sebaceous queratosis of the edges of the eyelids can need a special treatment.


The number of injuries increases with time.

Each injury is permanent unless it is extracted.

They are inoffensive and they do not need treatment, although most of the people they prefer that they are extirpated.


There are preventive measures no.

Diagnosis and treatment.


File and physical examination by a doctor.

Biopsy in some doubtful cases.


Medical diagnosis to discard the skin cancer.

Extraction of the injuries when they are ugly, is irritated with the clothes or makes difficult the cleaning.

The extraction methods include criocirugía, light quimiocauterización, electrocirugía, scraped or burned biopsy by by means of LASER.

General measures.

Sometimes, after the extraction a blister (bleeding sometimes) in the site arises from the treatment.

The superior part of the blister falls very spontaneously to the 2 weeks.

They leave to little or no scar.

It can be washed and use cosmetics as usual.

If the clothes irritate the blister, cúbrala with one shivers.


Usually it is not necessary.


Without restrictions.



Warn its medico if.

It wants that the sebaceous queratosis by ugly are extirpated to him.

The treated zones become infected, which causes pain, sensitivity, reddening, swelling or heat.

Anyone of the injuries changes of color or bleeds.

Factors of risk.

The age.

Familiar antecedents of this ailment.

Excessive exhibition to the sun or other injuries of the skin.

Signs and symptoms.

Pápulas (small bulks, enlarged) with the following characteristics:

Flat with defined edges affluent.

The young people are relatively flat and of clear brown color.

The pluses outposts are of dark or black brown color.

Wider than high and they seem to be beaten.

They measure of 5mm to 20mm of diameter.

Neither they itch nor they hurt.

They are distributed in the chest, the back, the face and the arms in very variable number.



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