
zaragatonaplantago psyllium

Conization (zaragatonaplantago psyllium) - HIPERnatural.COM
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zaragatonaplantago psyllium
Other Names:

Arta Water, advocates, Herb Pulguera, tires Dog Psilio.

Dioscorides recommended it in the first century A. D. as an emollient (softener) and as such has been used until the mid - twentieth century, when it was discovered that also has a mild laxative effect. Currently included in the composition of various pharmaceutical preparations against constipation.

HABITAT: grows in sandy or rocky terrain of the entire Mediterranean area. It is cultivated for medicinal purposes.

Description: annual plant of the family of Plantagináceas with herbaceous stem and erect up to 30 cm in height. The flowers are small, white, clustered in spikes ovoid. The fruits contain two seeds, 3 mm, smooth and brown.

Used parts: seed.

Properties and indications: the seeds contain abundant mucilage (up 15%) which gives them laxative action, emollient and anti - inflammatory. The zaragatona is one of the plants with higher content in mucilage is known, much higher than flaxseed (linseed) It also contains plant sterol lipids (sitosterol) potassium salts and trace elements. Hence his instructions:

Digestive disorders: the mucilage acts as a hydrophilic colloid, that is, its molecules are surrounded by large number of water molecules, making an increase in volume and becomes a mass of soft, gelatinous appearance. In this way, the mucilage get two effects:

and creates a protective film that coats the entire interior of the digestive duct, from the stomach to the large intestine, thus offering a softener and anti - inflammatory action on the gastrointestinal mucous membranes, which is highly beneficial in case of gastritis, duodenal ulcer or gastric, and colitis; calm heartburn (heartburn) and the stomach pain, and you stop the cramping pain and diarrhea in case of colitis.

Increase the volume of stool and makes it more soft, so they are moving more easily through the digestive tract, requiring a minor effort to peristaltic colon. All this translates into a mild laxative effect, without retortijones or irritation, and believes that without habit or cause loss of potassium and mineral salts, ie without any undesirable side effect. The mucilage of zaragatona can be used continuously for months or even years. It is very useful in the treatment of chronic constipation and its consequences, such as hemorrhoids or diverticulosis of the colon, which also helps prevent.

Diverticula occur as a result of excess pressure that has to do the colon to advance some hard stools or resecas. Food rich in meat and refined products, but poor in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, produces and hard stools rare that the large intestine to undergo a major effort. The result is constipation and its complications, the most serious of which is cancer of the colon. Treatment with mucilage must be accompanied by a change in eating habits. The laxative effect of mucilage is enhanced by that of the hemicellulose, fiber that forms the shell of the seed. The beneficial effect of mucilage on the intestine can also be obtained administered enemas, very convenient in the ano - rectal inflammation. Desinflamar hemorrhoids and calm the discomfort of anal fissure; recommended in cases of proctitis (inflammation of the rectum) and colitis, including ulcerative. In the latter case is used as a supplement to the specific treatment.

Treatment of obesity: the administration of seed zaragatona with plenty of water between meals, produces a feeling of fullness and satiety in the stomach, reducing appetite. This action is due to the hydrophilic ability of mucilage, which swells and increases in volume with water. This effect also contributes to reduced weight is achieved with the ingestion of zaragatona. It has also been verified that the mucilage decreased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, possibly because it interferes with the absorption of fats in the small intestine.

Urinary disorders: the mucilage of zaragatona also acts as an anti - inflammatory on the urinary mucous. It helps soothe the discomfort of cystitis and promotes the regeneration of the mucous irritated. Used in combination with other treatments.

Skin: Applied locally as a poultice, and protects irritated skin desinflamar if rashes or eczema and dermatitis. It is healing when applied on burns, wounds or varicose ulcers. Also used in cosmetics for the beauty of the skin.

Use: to prepare a maceration of seeds, leaving them crushed and macerated for 1 - 2 hours (a soup spoon of seeds per cup of water) After taking the mucilage, filtering the resulting liquid. You can add a teaspoon of anise seeds to improve the taste. Swallowed a glass in the morning fasting and another at night before bed.

Externally, in cataplasms seed: After put into maceration, heated and prepares them with a poultice, which is kept at least 15 minutes on the affected area, 2 or 3 times a day. Enema was performed with the liquid resulting from the maceration of seeds is enough with 100 - 250 ml for each application; manage up to 3 daily enemas.

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