prunus laurocerasus

CAPULIN (prunus laurocerasus) - HIPERnatural.COM
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prunus laurocerasus
Prunus laurocerasus L.


Latin: Prunus laurocerasus L.

Castilian: lauroceraso, cherry laurel.

Portuguese: real Loureiro, louro Cerejo.

French: Laurie Cerise, laurierbnamandier Laurie aux Crčmes.

English: cherry laurel, cherry - tree - bay.

Dutch: laurierkers.

German: Kirsch - Lorbeerbaum, Lorbeer - Kirshenbaum.

Introduction: It is recommended for the relief of coughs, colds and the bad of corrosion, through the use of the baking of the fruit as water usage, but also in other regions is used bark and leaves for cases of diarrhea, colds and fever. It is also useful against diseases such as dysentery and insomnia and various indigenous groups from the center of the country is used to cure the evil known as empacho. Another application is its widespread use in clean, fresh branches using the bunch, either to pass through the body or in bathrooms. It is worth mentioning that among the popular beliefs connected with this plant, is the protection offered by its branches to ward off evils.

Tree up to 12 m tall, reddish bark and leaves with elongated. Their flowers are grouped in clusters; globose fruits originate. Lives in warm climates, semi, dry and mild. It is grown in the houses and grows wild in a way associated with the tropical deciduous forest and subcaducifolia, Xeric scrublands, forests, mountains, oak and pine.

Family: Rosaceae.

Type: small - leaved evergreen tree.

Height: up to 8 meters.

Leaves: bright, coriaceous, alternate, entire, elliptical, oblong and oval - peciolalas.

Flowers: very aromatic, small, white, arranged in clusters axillary erect and oblong, shorter than the leaves. Corolla has 5 petals.

Bloom: from May.

Fruit: drupa Ovada similar to the black cherry, acute and purple, grouped in clusters similar to those of grapes.

Originally: Asia Minor, grown in temperate regions of southern Europe.

Part medicinal use: Leaves.

Collection of leaves: in July.


Something sedative.






Irritating cough.


Digestive disorders of the nervous type.

Respiratory stimulant: distilled water lauroceraso.


Water lauroceraso maximum of 2 to 10 grams per day.


Plant toxic. Used only for the development of water lauroceraso. It contains hydrogen cyanide which can cause nausea, vomiting, palpitations, shortness of breath, elevated temperature and spasms.

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