Disease information

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The parotiditis, well - known also like paperas or orejones, is a viral disease that causes the painful inflammation of the salivary glands, by regulating of parótida and sometimes of the sublinguales or submaxilares, of the neck and the jaw.

This virus is very contagious and it propagates by means of the gotitas of saliva that are expelan when sneezing, even toser or to breathe and when sharing glasses, plates, places setting and other articles that make contact with enemy with the saliva of an infected person.

The vaccine is due to apply to the 15 months of age, by means of a unique vaccine or following the scheme of the viral triple, that protects in addition against the measles and the rubéola.

In some parts a dose of reinforcement to the 10 or 11 years is recommended and it is advised to vaccinate the immunized adults who glide to travel to places where they are possible to be exposed and although the adverse reactions to the vaccine are minimum, is not due to provide during the pregnancy.

The disease is pronounced generally to the 18 days to expose itself to the virus and their main symptoms are:

the similarities to those of the influenza, cold, cough, irritation of throat and general malaise.

Fever of low intensity.


Loss of the appetite.

Irritation of throat with difficulty to swallow or to chew, with special annoyances when acid foods are consumed.

visible Inflammation with great pain to the tact, in one or both sides of the neck, between the jaw and the ears.

This disease that in the children usually is slight, can have severe consequences in adolescents and adults, since he also causes the inflammation of the testicles (orquitis) or of the ovaries (oforitis) and in some occasions can produce sterility or another complication is the viral meningitis.

Other complications that are rare, but can happen to any age in both sexes are: deafness, meningitis, encefalitis, arthritis, pancreatitis, sanguineous inflammation of the heart and upheavals.

IMPORTANT the content of this note is informative and it does not replace the medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge by the use of the information.

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